Standard of Liberty is a Christ-oriented educational foundation which exists to raise awareness of radical sexual movements
overrunning America's Christian-moral-cultural life and to inspire the public will, families, and individuals to counteract these trends.

Please note: Our view of homosexuality and the like does not include rejection or condemnation of individuals, nor is it about acceptance and praise
for unnatural and unhealthy sexual identification and behaviors. We promote hope and help in preventing, understanding, and overcoming sexual problems
. Read our Story. Read our open letter . Parents: read "The Only Good Choice."

The Standard of Liberty Voice
For God,Religion,Family,Freedom
A publication of The Standard of Liberty Foundation
January 10, 2011, #53


Dear Brianna
SoL's Response to one of our readers.

We occasionally receive emails that tell us something about our readers.
Here is one we thought you would find interesting, and our response.

From: brianna
Date: Wed, Dec 22, 2010 at 12:30 AM
Subject: Hello

Hello, my name is Brianna and I'm 20 years old and a sophomore in college. I came across this site and I was overly offended by most of the content here. Honestly, if I was a teenager again i would have probably started cursing and yelling, but being a bit older I know what I want to say to people like you now. I article I'm commenting on is "gay clubs in high schools". Over all that articles was just offensive. I can't believe that in this world we can really STILL be saying that "Rainbows are harmless. Homosexuality is not."....It really makes me sick in the stomach. It is ignorance like this that starts hateful wars, killing, prejudice. I feel like she really was completely sheltered as a child with overly religious parents that shoved the bible down her throat. And since she is straight she had no idea what she is talking about, how can ANYONE that isn't close to someone who is gay or someone who is straight have any RIGHT talking about homosexuality?? Though I may not been gay I'm not ignorant. I have friends who are gay, my mother has adult friends that are gay, and hearing them out and talking with them about what it was like being gay when they were young is a sad story full of struggle. What is so wrong with people coming together and being a support? Religious groups do that same thing...I mean I was in youth groups and everything. I have nothing against God or the bible. What I have a problem is this ignorances and arrogance. There is nothing dangerous with Homosexuality. the LGB clubs OF COURSE talk about the dangers of intercourse. Teenagers are not ignorant about sex. They are teenagers. And anyway, you can't make the argument with HIV and AIDS....that
isn't a gay disease...anyone can get aids. It just happens that there are more tearing during anal sex then vaginal...Even straight couples have anal. So that argument is faulty. And being gay is just normal, just like straight. I can't believe this article. I support freedom of speech, petition, and religion, but this crosses the line into prejudice, thinking that you are right and everyone else is wrong. And just to say that God's law, was only made by man. I feel like the church forgets how many people they have murdered because of how the bible was interoperated. Lets look at the crusades, the witch hunts, the monarchies, women's rights being suppressed, thrown in asylums durning the victorian era to rot, the KKK....I can go on and on and on....but it always end up the same. Though I have nothing wrong with religious as a concept, it is purely SICK that religious people believe they have the right to put other's down! Gay's never hated the church, they just want to live their lives without the hatred. They never started anything but wanting the freedom to LIVE. How can we judge what is right and what is wrong. It says in the bible that God is the ONLY one that can judge us! No HUMAN has the right to judge another. Ever. You may be able to pray for them, and voice concerns but being prejudice like this is a sin. Anyway, you can't MAKE someone gay. There are families where the parents are gay and the children grow up being can have overly strict zelot parents that their kids can turn out totally gay.

But to conclude...this is wrong, hurtful, ridiculous, sad and prejudice...can't we just get along?




Dear Brianna,

Thank you for perusing our web site and taking the time to share your strong feelings. We are sharing your email with our subscribers because it is a very good example of how a growing number of well-meaning people, young people in particular whose life experience is very limited, initially react to our point of view. They react this way because moral relativism along with the rejection of traditional sexual morality, the watering down of Christianity, and gay cultural indoctrination is what they have grown up with and all they know. In addition, they themselves, their friends, relatives, or others in their circle of acquaintance, may claim to be gay. Because they have been fooled into accepting their own or someone else’s alternative sexual proclivities as an identity in a legitimate minority group, they naturally refuse to tolerate any other view.

The fact that time-honored traditional sexual morality and the unique risks of homosexual behavior seem to be completely foreign ideas to you is indicative of how the accumulated wisdom of the ages, simple biological realities, and even common sense have been suppressed by an arbitrary, self-serving, and irresponsible trend. C. S. Lewis referred to this as a conditioning of many members of the gullible public by a lucky few with the means to do it.

We encourage you to think for yourself and explore another view. Of course, thinking these things through may not go over well with friends, family, and others. Truth is often uncomfortable. For instance, sometimes we have to choose between truth and being approved of by others. Why should we choose truth? Because truth enables us to offer real compassion, real `comfort, and real help. An example is how families and friends intervene to offer help to an alcoholic or drug addict they love. Pretending there is no problem is actually unkind. And yes, homosexuality is a problem. To begin with, it is maladaptive, addictive, may be a symptom of deep emotional trauma or mental illness, and leads to inordinately harmful behaviors.

A few points to clear up:

-It seems you missed Our Story which shows that we do know something about the homosexual mindset and lifestyle, its causes and its cures.

-Human sexual behaviors are always a choice for which we are each accountable, except perhaps in the case of severe mental illness/deficiently.

-It is common knowledge that decent straight people do not commit sodomy or anything like it. Sodomy is not mating; it is not the natural act that can make babies. It is an unsafe simulation, to put it mildly. Any self-respecting woman would not willingly consent to this act (the vagina can safely accommodate intercourse whereas the anus never can). It is the gay movement that has promoted the lie that everyone does this or that sexual behavior (introduced in the sexual revolution of the 1960s) in order to justify extreme, promiscuous, unnatural, and dangerous sexual behaviors. Doctors who care for patients who indulge in such acts can testify to the painful, chronic, and even fatal damage they do to an otherwise healthy body.

-A healthy, faithful man and woman who enjoy sexual intimacy in the only way natural to the human body can never get or spread HIV/AIDS (or any other sexually transmitted disease) from what they do together.

Please note that we at SoL treat everyone with respect. We discuss ideas, trends, human nature, events, and true principles rather than bash individuals, and encourage you to do the same.

Keep reading and all best wishes,

--Stephen and Janice Graham, Standard of Liberty


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