The Standard of Liberty Voice
For God,Religion,Family,Freedom
A publication of The Standard of Liberty Foundation
June 20, 2010, #49

Why Should You Read Chased by an Elephant?
Take our Quiz

In Surprised by Joy C. S. Lewis wrote about "the uncritical acceptance of the intellectual climate common to our age and the assumption that whatever has gone out of date is on that account discredited. You must find out why it went out of date," he said, "was it ever refuted (and if so by whom, where and how conclusively) or did it merely die away as fashions do? If the latter, this tells us nothing about its truth or falsehood. From seeing this one passes to the realization that our age is also ‘a period,’ and certainly has, like all periods, its own characteristic illusions. They are likeliest to lurk in those wide-spread assumptions which are so ingrained in the age that no one dares to attack or feels it necessary to defend them.

"We are living in our own period with its own stark illusions. Our complacent, prosperous, techno-society has allowed God and His demands (i.e. traditional values) to be diluted and all but washed away in every public arena. Though it may be too little too late for a national retrenchment, for the sake of individual families and youth we at the Standard of Liberty are daring to attack some of the false and fashionable assumptions of our time. Just like Lewis said, these false assumptions are so ingrained that no one has to defend them anymore; people are just accepting them. But the truth is, if these bad trends, such as unneeded abortion, pornography, promiscuity, adultery, and homosexuality, were thought through and exposed, they would have no logical defense. To put it bluntly, these ideas and the practices that go with them, are terribly depraved. And yet, many of us are giving in to them by degrees through misinformation and intimidation, and in doing so are failing in our obligation to teach correct principles to the rising generation. Our appealing new book, Chased by an Elephant, The Gospel Truth About Today’s Stampeding Sexuality, outlines plain and precious truths that are rapidly sinking out of sight.

Take this quiz to determine to see if you and your family could benefit from our new book. Do your best to answer yes or no to the following questions:

Do you cringe even a little at the idea of absolute truths?
Do you believe men and women are interchangeable?
Do you think important ideal traditional gender roles are outdated?
Do you believe there are more human sexes than two: male and female?
Do you believe that healthy people have no control over their sexual thoughts and urges?
Do you wonder if or believe that individuals are born gay?
Do you support government legitimization of homosexuality?
Do you think individuals who declare they are the opposite sex their bodies and genes indicate should be publicly acknowledged and supported?
Do you think two people of the same sex can legitimately participate in the institution of marriage?
Do you believe that single parenting can be ideal and should be encouraged and legitimized?
Do you think that gay parenting can be ideal and should be publicly supported
?Do you think government should invent and give special rights, privileges, and protections to those who participate in same-sex sex and other alternatives to married monogamous heterosexuality?
Do you believe that homosexual behavior can be healthy and wholesome?
Do you agree with children being taught that gay is good in schools?
Do you have no problem with schools and others organizations aimed at teens supplying condoms, encouraging sexual activity, and encouraging/performing illegal abortion on minors without parental consent?
Do you support the idea of these organizations using public funds?
Do you support needless abortion as a female’s right?
Do you think that schools and government should override the rights of parents to teach their children about sex and sexuality?
Do you believe the Bible does not condemn sexual relations between people of the same sex?
Do you think that Christians should fall in with the culture concerning gay rights, at least to some degree?
Do you believe churches, church schools, and other church entities should be punished in some way for upholding their doctrines by openly speaking, teaching, or publishing against homosexuality, homosexual behavior, same-sex marriage, and gay parenting?
Do you support the government (laws, policies, judgments) favoring sexual freedom over religious freedom?
Do you feel that traditional Christianity in schools and government is at all out of place?
Do you believe that America’s Founding Fathers were motivated by greed and power?
Do you believe the Constitution to be a living document subject to casual and unwritten additions and interpretations in accordance with present culture, the sexual movement and other radical ideologies, special interest groups, or vocal minorities?
Do you think the idea of conspiracies (i.e. secret combinations) is alarmist fiction and those who believe in them are kooks and fanatics?
Do you believe Christ to be less of the demanding God and essential divine Redeemer of the Bible and Book of Mormon, and more of a philosophical and sociological leader that can fit nicely into our new, more peaceful and compassionate age?
Do you believe it is impossible to hate the sin and love the sinner?
Do you think you and/or others have pretty much "arrived" because of personal/family/church commitment/success/service, and therefore are not particularly needful of the grace of Christ’s Atonement?
Do you feel any hesitancy, discomfort, or lack of knowledge in talking with your children about their developing sexuality, God’s law of chastity, applying basic gospel principles, pornography, homosexuality, current events in our oversexed culture, etc.?

If you felt that any of the above questions deserved even a weak "yes," or if you felt unprepared to answer any of the questions at all, our Christ-centered book, Chased by an Elephant, the Gospel Truth about Today’s Stampeding Sexuality, can help. It is up to us in our particular time, with its particular illusions, to continually reject false principles and steer ourselves, our families, and our neighbors toward Christ, truth, and reality.

In fact, every family needs the information Chased contains. Readers are calling this book "wonderful," "essential," "enlightening and informative," "unthreatening," "highly readable and applicable," and ordering copies for their grown children busy raising young families. Click here to read glowing endorsements from a variety of professionals and experts. Order your copy from us now for $12.95 and free shipping. Order two or more and get them for $10.00 each and free shipping. Click here to order.

FYI, we have a publisher for another version of this book for the general Christian audience, (rather than just the LDS audience). It will be called Wild Elephant, the Gospel Truth about Today’s Stampeding Sexuality, coming in the early fall.

-Stephen & Janice Graham

 Author Janice Graham is available for interviews, speaking engagements, and book signings. Call her at 801- 830-8417 or publisher Stephen Graham at 801-830-8418.

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