The Standard of Liberty Voice
For God,Religion,Family,Freedom
A publication of The Standard of Liberty Foundation
May 6, 2007, #31

Cause to Mourn, Cause to Rejoice

In light of recent events occurring in our community that we have left to the newspapers to report, the direction we are headed is ever more obvious. That direction is wholesale acceptance of homosexuality. High profile organizations thought of as highly conservative and based on traditional moral values, such as schools and churches, have opened their doors to the idea that some people are irrefutably and permanently self-determined as “gay” with no medical proof or certificate possible or required, and that undefined and unlimited alternative “sexual orientations” deserve recognition, dignity, and respect. One argument in favor of this doctrine of inclusiveness is that these are regular people, just like you and me, which argument conveniently winks at the fact that, although they may appear normal and function normally in all other ways, these are people with risky and perverse sexual ideas, inclinations, and behaviors, many of whom wish to push these harmful ideas on the rest of us.

Sadly, people of all ages (think children) who have labeled themselves as homosexual (etc.) and are now being taken seriously by those around them then feel justified, even trapped, in their own perverse self-diagnosis. Popular culture would have us believe any old attitudes a person may adopt toward sex are innate and immutable, and yet many honest “gay” people today admit that their sexual feelings are fluid. By giving in whether by degrees or in one fell swoop to this fashionable evil we all become accomplices in its perpetuation and the disease and destruction it causes. As one experienced professional in this field put it, officially embracing the “gay orientation” is “a prescription for disaster,” for individuals and for society.

As usual, definitions when it comes to sexual orientation are being conveniently overlooked. We have been conditioned into being tolerant of people’s self-imposed sexual labels, forgetting that these labels coordinate with extreme, abnormal, and dangerous thoughts, feelings, words, postures, activities, and sex acts. As we hasten to accept and dignify these alternate “sexual orientations,” while still insisting that “acting out” on them is wrong, we dismiss the many behaviors short of physical homosexual contact that are inevitably attached to them. Examples are participation in gay activist organizations and public events (gay pride), gay internet chat rooms, gay dating, gay clubs, and cross-dressing. All of these will now evidently be allowed in places you would least imagine.

The real truth is that if a person has adopted the gay identity and is demanding respect for it he is already acting out. And why would he not continue to act out in all other possible ways after the powers that be have legitimized his inclinations? Now that society has accepted homosexuality, watch these people come out of the woodwork. Watch them become more and more emboldened. Watch them openly influence and encourage children and young people towards unlimited and perverse sexual ideas and experimentation. Watch this evil explode in places you thought safe and be promoted by people you thought God-fearing. Watch it open a pandora’s box of unimagined, seemingly unrelated terrors.

In an effort to appease indefatigable activists and appear tolerant and enlightened, and in order to protect political, financial, and social concerns (to name a few reasons), America has given up her culture and compromised her moral values and religious beliefs. We wish parents godspeed in teaching cleanliness and virtue to their children in a society that has embraced as wholesome, normal, and natural, even within its schools and churches, aberrant types of “sexual identities” that are anything but clean and virtuous. We cannot accept the “sexual orientation” without accepting the behaviors, all the behaviors, that actually define it. We pray for Christian churches as they attempt to teach the doctrines of the creation, the fall, sin and redemption in a society that conducts itself as if none of these exist.

The cause to rejoice? The Lord must surely come soon, and believers have a clear opportunity to prepare themselves.

-Stephen & Janice Graham

Copyright 2007 by Standard of Liberty Foundation, Inc. All rights reserved.

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