Standard of Liberty is an LDS-oriented educational foundation which exists to raise awareness of radical sexual movements
overrunning America's Christian-moral-cultural life and to inspire the public will, families, and individuals to counteract these trends.

Please note: Our view of homosexuality and the like does not include rejection or condemnation of individuals, nor is it about acceptance and praise
for unnatural and unhealthy sexual identification and behaviors. We promote hope and help in preventing, understanding, and overcoming sexual problems.
Read our Story. Read our open letter . Parents: read "The Only Good Choice."

Dear Brothers and Sisters,

In our quest to educate about the anti-family radical sexual movement, we wish you to note that SLF highly respects agency and is not in the business of condemning individual souls. For instance, we are personally acquainted with people who have chosen to embrace homosexuality. We continue to appreciate their infinite value as children of God and their good qualities and wholesome contributions, and to pray for them. The greater problem has occurred as these ideologies and behaviors have gone public. The aggressive, highly organized and richly funded "gay" movement has infiltrated every entity of American society– courts, politics, education, church, science, and media–seeking to revolutionize our culture into moral relativism and depravity. It has even infiltrated the LDS Church-owned entities and membership by way of sophistries, subtleties, and false doctrines. LDS activists are aggressively pushing this movement within the Church hoping to change Church policies and doctrines to embrace openly self-proclaimed homosexuals, whether celibate or practicing, and obtain full sanctions and privileges such as access to all church callings, temple marriage for same sex couples, and temple sealings for adoptive "gay" families. But these are only ruses. The "gay" agenda is really about changing our culture to abandon traditional values and substitute new arbitrary ones. Whether or not these goals will be met, many individuals and families will be exploited, deceived, and lost in the process, physically and spiritually.

We are not extremists in any way. We hold fast to nature and God's laws concerning only two distinct genders and the proper, healthy, and natural use of the God-given power of pro-creation between husband and wife. Because there is a radical movement to recruit young people and condition society and the Church into denying the realities and responsibilities of gender and sexuality we therefore speak out against homosexuality and every other unnatural, unhealthy, and excessive attitude and use of gender and sexuality. We are concerned with the unchallenged spread of politicized sexual propaganda, the conditioning of society into the wholesale embrace of vice, and the safety and freedom of all people, including children, youth, and future generations. Especially important to us is informing our LDS brothers and sisters of this movement, many of whom have no idea it is taking place. This educational information is supplied motivated by irrefutable evidence of the benefits to mankind in adhering to age-old traditional family and moral values, holy scripture, our personal sacred covenants with God, and general directions from LDS Church leadership.

The following is by no means a complete list of papers, articles, books, videos, and web sites–we could go on and on and on–but it is representative of what is going on in our world today. Because it may be impracticable and is unnecessary for you to obtain and study all these materials, we have provided brief descriptions and reviews as a cursory education in itself. Please note that to inform you of this and other evil movements, this list, in order of copyright dates, includes some materials produced by their supporters. Although we do not necessarily recommend reading or viewing most of the pro-pornography, pro-"gay" materials listed, it is important that you know they exist. We hope the brief descriptions we've included will supply the information you need. However, we have indicated a few that must be read in order to fully realize the tactics and goals of this movement.

Impossible to list here are the countless influential local and national radio, TV, and newspaper programs, segments, events, and articles which have, whether knowingly or unknowingly, promoted and continue to promote sexual deviance and other evils as normal and acceptable. The opposite view, denouncing homosexuality as sinful, unnatural, and dangerous to health, and promoting hope and help for repentance, healing and change, is now grossly underrepresented, if represented at all, in mainstream and even LDS Church-owned entities. This is one reason we must now, more than ever, hold fast to God's commandments, live the gospel of Jesus Christ, independently seek, internalize, and teach truth, and constantly discern good and evil through the Spirit.

The Standard of Liberty Foundation

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